The City is investing in one of Calgary’s oldest neighbourhoods to keep it safe, beautiful and vibrant.

From replacing 100-year old bridges to building new park spaces, we’re committed to:

  • Improving connections in to and out of Inglewood and Ramsay, whether you travel by foot, bus, bike or car.
  • Ensuring safe, reliable exits to protect the communities in the event of an emergency.
  • Building on the character of the communities to create great spaces to live, work, play, and shop.

With several City projects under construction, or under consideration, we know there’s a lot going on. We are coordinating all these projects to try and ensure we’re delivering the right projects at the right time, with as little disruption to the communities as possible. As you can hopefully appreciate, each of these projects are undertaken by various departments that have their own processes with planning and budgets that align within capital costs and operational needs.

We want to make sure you have the information you need and the opportunity to ask questions and give us your feedback, so we’re bringing all these projects together under a more coordinated communications and engagement program.

From this page, you can learn about how all these projects fit together to support your communities in both the short- and long-term, and you can learn about the details of each of the projects. Each project listed here will have it's own independent page and you can click through the project tiles below to find out more information and provide feedback, on each project. This is meant to provide a singular landing spot to access all active projects in the area and to provide input on how, or what, information needs to be better distributed and communicated to provide a more cohesive understanding of collective impacts and outcomes.

Ramsay /Inglewood Construction Update click here.

Provided to give you an overview update of the current projects in the area.


There are many City initiatives taking place in Inglewood and Ramsay. We're trying to make it easier for you to stay in touch with projects in the area.

To find out more on a specific project, click on the project tiles below.

Project Information

Completed Projects

Seeking your Feedback

As mentioned above we are trying something new in Inglewood and Ramsay. With a multiple number of City projects in planning and under construction, we want to make it easy for you to get the information about the work happening in your communities.

We have established regular meetings and communications with City project managers to share information on project details to better coordinate on timelines, impacts and engagement/communications seeking higher collaboration, cost savings, and streamlined processes. We are also in regualr meetings and communication with the your representative community and business associations.

Please provide your input below as to how we are currently doing and sign up for our update newsletter to be added to our distribution list.

THANK YOU for your time and contributions.

What community do you live in?
Do you feel informed about the work The City is doing in your community?
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Are you satisfied with the opportunities provided to give input into City projects?
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How do you like to get information from The City?

Select your top two

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